Thursday, May 15, 2014

Talking Llama on Episode 12


Cleaning off in Season 28 Episoed 12
You're not a llama, right?
Oh, sorry. I forgot I'm not talking to Kass. You're not a llama, right? I'll revert to English now.

What a great episode, right!?!? I think this may have been my favorite one since the merge...let's recap it from the top! (Image credit CBS).

So the main conflict of this episode gets started with a conversation between Tony and Woo out on the boat; Tony proposes a Final 3 to Woo, and Woo accepts. Then Woo confesses last week's plot to oust Tony, which makes Tony emotional, because Woo's so loyal to Tony...and Tony has to blindside him!??!! Whoaaaaa! This is definitely the first we've heard of this!

Tony later approaches Kass and tells her that he knows what she tried to do last week, but he'll take her to the Final 3 anyway. Smart, Tony, smart. Kass mentions sardonically that she's been forgiven by the mafia boss, but needs to cause more (you guessed it) chaos to make Tony look like a bully when she's sitting next to him at the end.

This is actually a great idea in theory. If Kass can make Tony into the bad guy, then she might be able to sway some jury votes her way. And in the end, it looks like she sort of succeeded because she created a rift between Woo and Tony.

Buuuuut...she also turns into a malevolent, evil-looking person while doing it, which is far less than optimal. She may have caused Tony to lose Woo's jury vote this week (probably not), but she also definitely lost Trish's.

After the challenge in Season 28 Episode 12
At least it was an individual reward!
There's not much to mention in the reward challenge, although I had higher hopes coming into it; I thought they were going to be in a big vat of peanut butter or chocolate (don't you miss the Amazon?). Instead it was mud. We've seen this challenge before, and it's always going to stay at the same level of coolness and entertainment; moderate. Not much interaction or competition going on, but it's funny to see them cover themselves with mud and soak it up in their hair.

It was quickly made clear that Tony had won, however, and there was no need to weigh the buckets. He and "Anorexia" (or as she called herself, Malnutrisha) enjoyed helicopter-delivered pizza, and Tony revealed that he can't play his idols past the Final 5.

Doesn't this have to mean that it's a Final 3 this season? I could be wrong, but I don't think there has been a Final 2 season where the last chance to play idols was the Final 5. Either way, Tony makes a smart move, telling Trish (and eventually everyone, I guess) that he can play his special idol at the Final 4 as well.

At the immunity challenge, Tony solves fourteen thousand, nine hundred and eighty-nine puzzles, but Spencer successfully solves the fourteen thousandth, nine hundred and ninetieth puzzle to win immunity...which was a much needed victory, clearly.

I'm sure it was intentional on the part of the editors that the slide puzzle was a good metaphor for Tony's and Spencer's games; Spencer is thoughtful and methodical while Tony just barrels through frantically.

Trish in Season 28 Episode 12
Vote for Trish for RHAP Fan Favorite
Player of the Season!
Back at camp, I'm reminded why I love Trish so much (I then proceeded to vote for her for the Rob Has a Podcast Fan Favorite Player of the Season, which you should also do). She snaps at Kass: "Do you think I'm stupid,  or do you think I'm deaf?" In confessional, Trish tells us she's not passive-aggressive, just aggressive, which is a nice change from Kass's annoying chaos.

Trish starts really unloading on Kass (which, according to her exit interview on RHAP, she's been waiting all season to do), saying "I'll rip you apart in 30'll be crying so are vicious and cruel." And honestly, the things she's saying are right. Kass does play the victim card, and as she and Tony said at Tribal Council, she does sit around with that huge grin on her face.

But important conversation Trish and Tony need to be having is with Woo. Woo isn't sure if he can trust Tony anymore, because Tony swore on his wife and child to Kass but not to Woo. How do you remedy that? Swear some more! Tony swears on his wife, child, and deceased father to Woo, which doesn't seem to be enough, because Woo then goes back and tells Kass he will vote out Trish.

A lot of great things take place at Tribal Council, so I'll just mention my favorites. Tony does the llama voice again, and Woo compares himself to a foreign exchange student visiting a very dysfunctional family, which got a laugh from the jury. Then, Tony pulls out both idols.

Spencer in Season 28 Episode 12
There's a new alliance of three...
and Spencer could win this game.
This was the point where I thought for sure Kass would be going home. All Tony needs to do is give one of his idols to Trish; there's no risk, cause he still has the OPHII in case the votes are for him.

But not only does Tony play the idol for himself, effectively wasting it, HE ALSO VOTES FOR TRISH!!!! WHAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?

There was a lot of talk last night and today about why Tony did what he did...apparently according to a secret scene, it was to get a guaranteed jury vote, but I think it was a terrible idea. Unless his ruse with the idol works next week, there's a new alliance of three that could be dead-set on sending him home.

This would normally be the point where I answer three burning questions I'm sure you had about the episode, but I just don't have the time...sorry! As I said, this week is very busy and I have to wrap up this recap quick. Expect an audio recap of the episode where we will go much more in-depth sometime on Saturday or possibly Sunday, as well as hopefully another audio scrutiny of the Amazing Race finale on Sunday, and stay tuned!

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