Also, I do happen to (sadly) know a few elimination-related spoilers. I think I may have accidentally stumbled onto the first elimination on Survivor Sucks (that's what you get), and I know a few other things that I've picked up along the way, but I'm trying to forget about these things, and I can promise they won't factor into my analysis one bit, so it's all spoiler-free. Don't spoil stuff for me!!!
Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas

Previous Season: 20
Initial Reaction: ULLLLLBLGGGGHHAHGGK!!!!!
That's the feeling I get in my throat when I see Brenchel. Sadly, they lasted the whole time in Season 20, and of course, I couldn't stand them at all. I remember one part where Rachel says something along the lines of "Brendonnnn wahhhh this is too haaard! This was supposed to be fuuuun wahhhh it's not like Big Brother wahhhh (ok maybe she doesn't say that last part)." And they both contemplate quitting (which they have also done on BB). At this point I was fervently praying for them to give up, but sadly, no. Brenchel remained to plague us the entire season.
And don't get me started on Big Brother! I haven't watched BB12, but I'm currently watching Big Brother 13 (I know that Rachel wins though), and they're honestly revolting. I cannot bear their constant whining, crying, cheesy romantic lines, narcissism, power trips, sulking, pity parties...oh, wait, that's all of them. Yeah, if you hadn't figured it out by this point, I hate Brenchel. I have no idea how that woman won a season, and I plan to stop watching when Daniele gets evicted, because she's the only one who stands up to her.
The one (debatable) good thing about them is that they'll bring some drama and conflict to the show, which is always good on the Amazing Race. However, I'm certainly rooting against them and I hope they'll be gone as soon as possible. I don't think I could live with a Brenchel victory.
Prediction: Bad. They'll have a decent start and then flame out spectacularly (read: Rachel will have a meltdown) in the first few episodes. Bye bye Brenchel. At least I hope so.
Leo Temory and Jamal Zadran

Previous Season: 23
Initial Reaction: Meh. Cool.
There was an original list with only some correct names floating around that I liked much better than the actual list, and that list had my new favorite team, Tim and Marie, on it. Instead, I found out I lost Team Pinky and got the Afghanimals. For most of Season 23, I was not fond of these two, but in the last few episodes, their edit started turning around.
Perhaps they got used to the cameras, or just toned down the acting and ululating a bit, but either way, they instantly became more likable, or at least tolerable. Hopefully this time around they'll be used to the cameras already and can keep it entertaining but manageable from the start.
From a racing standpoint, it's clear they're a strong team. They only won 2 (?) legs last time around, and they didn't have a very high average placement, but I think that they had a lot of bad luck and just didn't have a chance to shine. I'm looking forward to a more fun, stronger team this time around.
Prediction: The Afghanimals could make a deep run. I don't see them winning, but Final 5 or maybe even in the final leg.
Joey Graceffa and Meghan Camarena

Previous Season: 22
Initial Reaction: *Nods head* Hmm...ok, sure. I'll root for them.
I liked Joey and Meghan a fair amount during their season. Not as much as some. But thinking about them playing again...ehhhh. They were definitely likable, but they were pretty pathetic racers, and I've heard that Joey is kind of a jerk in real life.
I do think that their unique relationship is a plus: it's rare that you see a male/female pairing that's not married, exes, engaged, or at least dating. So that's interesting. Plus they're funny. Honestly, I was rooting for stronger teams like Max and Katie and Pam and Winnie (who were on the first list but not the real list!!!), but I would have rather had them win than Anthony and Bates, who were boring.
I said they were weak racing-wise, but they did manage 5th place. A lot of that is luck, but they're also calm and fairly intelligence. They're bad with directions though, so things could go either way for Team YouTube.
Prediction: I think they'll do alright early on, maybe hang on at the back of the pack, and then be eliminated in the middle of the season.
Jessica Hoel and John Erck

Previous Season: 22
Initial Reaction: What? What?! No...come on, really?
The only thing they'll ever be remembered for is the team that was eliminated holding an Express Pass. That will plague them till the end of their days (interestingly, on the very first season of the Amazing Race Canada this past summer, this also occurred).
But yeah...besides that, there's nothing else very memorable or important about John and Jessica. I suspect their entire storyline will be based on this one event. The one thing that would make it worth having these two back will be if they win the first leg and get two more sets of Express that would be funny! And I could see it happening. Also, John looks creepy. Just look. At his face. And his eyes. Scary, no? Kind of reptilian. No? Ok, nevermind.
I do recall that Jessica was a voice of reason, and once she had solid evidence to suggest they were in last place, she argued for using the Pass, which could have saved them. The blame for their elimination should be placed entirely on John's shoulders. AND he couldn't even admit to Phil that he'd made a mistake!
Express Pass aside, they're a strong team (albeit not very fun), and if they hadn't had this little slip up, they could have gone far.
Prediction: They'll win the first leg again, and somehow manage to get eliminated with another Express Pass. If that doesn't happen, I think they'll either be A) unbeatable and coast into the finale or B) be a very competitive team that gets eliminated late in the race due to a blunder or bad taxi.
Alright, that's all for now. Stay tuned to hear about Twinnies, Mark and Mallory (?!?!), Team Achilles Heel, and the Country Singers.
No Survivor news; I think we won't hear anything until the cast reveal which is probably no more than 10 days away.
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