Ethan: Yoyoyo this is Ethan buzzing in.
Marcus: Welcome back, Ethan. I know you're busy tonight, so let's get to as many castaways as we can. Ready to continue our scrutiny?
Ethan: Yes I am. How about we start today's analysis on Morgan? What do you think of her, Marcus?
Morgan McLeod, 21, Ex-NFL Cheerleader

Ethan: True, but people who are used to getting what they want tend to get other people to get it. Does that make her a potential leader?
Marcus: You know, I don't think so. She said she wants to be friends with the guys and also wants to "get in with the girls quickly," so I hope she'll be everyone's friend and not a leader. She was talking about how she's going to make big moves and she seems capable so I'm looking forward to seeing her.
Ethan: As a more general question, what is the likelihood of showmances with a beauty tribe?
Marcus: Not too bad of a chance. I think Jefra, Alexis, LJ, and Jeremiah, all people we haven't talked about, are the most likely candidates, though.
Ethan: Well, back to Morgan. She seems to be friendly. But in Survivor, with too many friends you can pose a threat.
Marcus: I guess...but if she's counted as a loyal alliance member, people will want to keep her around. I gave her 70/100 on my scale.
Ethan: I rate her 55 for her plan to make friends. This isn't a really original plan, but it can be effective if implemented by the right people.
Marcus: That's fair enough. Who's next? Sarah? Thoughts?
Sarah Lacina, 29, Police Officer

Ethan: Maybe a little annoying. She didn't seem all that interesting.
Marcus: Yeah, I agree. She's pretty serious, although she says she's "overwhelmingly competitive."
Ethan: Also, I am not sure about her social game, because she is overly competitive and will probably blame losses on her team mates.
Marcus: That's something that will probably count against her, although I have a feeling the Brawns tribe won't be losing too many challenges.
Ethan: I am not so sure; there are a lot of puzzles.
Marcus: With a big enough lead, you can finish any puzzle. Something to note is that she seems to have a good grip on how to play; she says she's going to get into a tight alliance with one person and then recruit two others. Basic strategy, but I bet a lot of people lack that.
Ethan: Yeah, she used the idea of concentric circles of alliances to protect her. I have a feeling though, that she is going to be hit by a bullet like she days as she says before she can throw people in the way.
Marcus: That's possible...I really don't know with Sarah. I didn't get much from her; I gave her 50 because she could go either way.
Ethan: I agree and gave her 50 also. It depends if she can get her rings of alliances.
Marcus: Agreed. Next? How about Lindsey?
Lindsey Ogle, 29, Hairstylist

Ethan: She was interesting, if annoying.
Marcus: I liked Lindsey, actually. She was funny and from the way she describes what she's planning on doing, it sounds like she might be an alpha female sort of player, which we don't see too often.
Ethan: Well, she just sort of reminds me of Ashley, the wrestler from China who failed and who I though would do well. That just worries me about her.
Marcus: How come?
Ethan: They both seemed alpha-like and strong. They both have tattoos and colors in their hair and were raring to play.
Marcus: That's fair. I also described Lindsey as dominating, and she says she doesn't want to be too intimidating but just the fact that she's saying that means she might be. And all these traits could certainly help her but will most likely put a huge target on her back.
Ethan: That is definitely true. I would put her as the Brawn version of Spencer in that she is trying to hide her talents.
Marcus: I guess so. I don't think she's going to be very successful, unfortunately; I gave her 40.
Ethan: I give her 45, because now that I think of it, Ashley got sick and that was a reason she got kicked. So maybe Lindsey can pretend to be weak and take over the pack.
Marcus: If she can do that, I'll be pleasantly surprised. Alright, Ethan, thanks for chatting once again. It's getting late so we should probably end here for tonight. We'll hopefully finish up our analysis tomorrow!
Ethan: Roger that, Marcus. Have a good night.
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