Marcus: So, let's get into it here, Ethan. What did you think of the cast as a whole?
Ethan: Um... Well they all seem arrogant, but that could be just because they are told to act like that. I think they are pretty cool though.
Marcus: I guess so...I think they're pretty likable.
Ethan: Most seem willing to backstab,which will be interesting.
Marcus: Right, although I bet you a lot of people say that in the pre-season interviews.
Ethan: Maybe; I haven't seen many pre-season videos before.
Marcus: There's definitely a lot of diversity here, wouldn't you say?
Ethan: Yes, there are cops and chess masters and cheerleaders and lawyers playing which will each have there own specialties. Some seem smart and others stupid..some seem strong and others non-threatening.
Marcus: Yeah, plus four African Americans and one Asian American. We haven't had that kind of ethnic diversity since Fiji and Cook Islands, which were specifically cast by race.
Ethan: The ethnic diversity is cool. Enough with the general though, let's talk about individuals.
Marcus: Ok, sounds good. Who should we start out with?
Ethan: Tasha seems like a good starter.
Latasha “Tasha” Fox, 37, Accountant

Ethan: She appears smart and pretty, though I have a feeling that this isn't the "adventure" she thinks it will be.
Marcus: That's certainly true. She says she's a longtime fan, and wants to be a leader towards the end of the game, but not in the beginning. What do you make of that?
Ethan: I think that will be next to impossible to accomplish. It is a great strategy if it works, but first impressions are big and if you don't start out as a leader, then it will be hard to get people to follow you without drawing unwanted attention.
Marcus: That's certainly true. I actually thought of one example where this did work: Denise Stapley, who won three seasons ago in the Philippines. It might be a bit of a stretch, but she started off as a sort of underdog and then really picked up her game at the merge and led her alliance...and then won. Could you see Tasha doing anything like that?
Ethan: I can, but the likelihood of it is low and the dangers involved are high. She has a shot, a better chance than anyone else I've seen except Kass of pulling an underdog victory.
Marcus: Seems pretty fair. So what I did for each person is I ranked them percentage-wize about how I felt about them. Anything above 50% of going far is good. I gave Tasha a 70%. Do you think that's fair? How far do you think she'll get?
Ethan: Well... I am not sure if she earns a 70%, but she will probably make the merge at least. Although with her strategy she could easily be seen as useless and she must face those risks.
Marcus: Alright, so shall we move on, or do you have any last thoughts on Tasha? Middle of the road, decent player?
Ethan: Yes.
Marcus: Ok, so who's next?
Ethan: Woo.
Yung “Woo” Hwang, 29, Martial Arts Instructor

Ethan: Woo Hoo.
Marcus: Haha ok so Woo. I wanted to like Woo, but he seems super arrogant to me.
Ethan: Oh, I like him. Though I think his analogy of Tae Kwon Do is off and that physically it will help, but if he focuses too much on it, it will set him apart and therefore make him a target.
Marcus: Well, we've seen a lot of examples of different martial arts and yoga all the time on Survivor, like with Coach, but you could be right. He just seems really cocky. I described him as "an Asian Ozzy."
Ethan: Like Dragon Chi of Coach and meditation of Aras.
Marcus: Ooh that's good. He also doesn't seem so great socially; he talked a lot about how important challenges were and how he was physical, but that was about it, at least I thought. You?
Ethan: You're right about that.
Marcus: I can see him lasting in the pre-merge but then being a big target at the merge and not having the social game to save himself.
Ethan: Yeah, but I see him being eliminated pre-merge if his group loses the challenges. Knock knock.
Marcus: Who's there?
Ethan: Woo.
Marcus: Woo Hoo? Oh.
Ethan: Woooohoooo.
Marcus: Hahaha. I gave him 40%. The arrow is pointing down for Woo, at least for me.
Ethan: 20-60 for me. It all depends on if his Tae Kwon Do do can save him.
Marcus: Haha, I don't think it will. So early merge? Possibly late pre-merge?
Ethan: Yep, that seems about right.
Marcus: Ok, who's next?
Ethan: Trish. Would you mind a quick recap? She isn't very memorable.
Trish Hegarty, 48, Pilates Instructor

Marcus: I agree. Trish is a pilates instructor from Masschusetts...I didn't get very much from her. She's one of the two older women, and is on the Brawn tribe.
Ethan: I think she will make it moderately far as a unnoticeable player. Depends on whether or not she can pull her weight.
Marcus: Probably, although I hope not. What I said for her is that she seemed impatient, strict, and that she might crack easily under pressure. Well, she's probably very good physically, at least.
Ethan: Well, let's hope she gets out early or has a meltdown to make this more interesting.
Marcus: That'd be fun. I didn't get much else from her. I guess she could go far totally under the radar, but she doesn't seem very likable and I don't think she would win.
Ethan: That is a reasonable assumption. Let's hope she proves us wrong about being boring.
Marcus: We'll keep our fingers crossed. As you can tell, I wasn't very impressed by Trish. I gave her 35/100.
Ethan: 15 for me.
Marcus: Wow, really? There's something to be said for under the radar playing, you know. Although she could have some outbursts.
Ethan: She seems boring and not the type of person to win. The only way she could make it far is by being carried.
Marcus: Agreed. Next?
Ethan: Tony looked pretty cool. He is strong, but I feel like he won't be able to keep his attention on the game 24/7.
Tony Vlachos, 39, Police Officer

Marcus: I really liked Tony. I think he came off really well in his interview. He said he was going to bring everything BUT "loyalty, honesty, integrity, and honor." I like that.
Ethan: He seems like a fire, and will either catch everyone else on fire or burn himself out. He has some really great aspects of his personality though.
Marcus: I agree. He's funny and likable, but he also seems like he could be stubborn and be a big target. However, he seems empathetic and his skills as a cop could help him a lot.
Ethan: He has a big personality which is good for the audience but can be a target if he doesn't get along with people.
Marcus: That's exactly what I'm thinking. I hope he does well but I don't know if he will. I said 45 for him.
Ethan: Probably a lenient 75 from me; he has a lot of potential with a few dangerous qualities.
Marcus: Now that we're talking about it, I'm getting a better feeling about Tony, so maybe. He might play too hard, too fast, however.
Ethan: Yeah, that is why he is like a fire, hopefully he'll have enough fuel to keep burning.
Marcus: I like the analogies. Next?
Ethan: Spencer. The arrogant kid.
Spencer Bledsoe, 21, Student

Marcus: We're going to be sharply divided on Spencer. I like him. I called him the "likable Cochran." But you and everyone else seem to hate him.
Ethan: He doesn't realize that chess smart isn't people smart.
Marcus: That's a fair point...hmm. I'm going to have to watch his interview again. Although he seems empathetic as well. I also compared him to Stephen Fishbach. He also said he wants to play down his intelligence.
Ethan: That is a smart move, but it is impossible to hide your true self from people you're with 39 days straight. Maybe he can hide it long enought that it will be too late for the others, but I have a feeling he will get angry at someone for being stupid.
Marcus: Yeah I guess so. I still have a good feeling from him though, and I think he could be a great villain, although he might also play too hard too fast.
Ethan: He seems like a good player if he can hide his intelligence and extreme arrogance and hubris. He also mentioned patience is a problem for him, which is a huge part of Survivor. I feel like he is going to make it far, but backstab one too many people.
Marcus: I guess that could be tough. I think he can do it though. Initially I said 80/100. After talking to you, though, I might change it. I think he could be final 7...or very early pre-merge.
Ethan: If he can backstab people before they realize it, then he will do well, but I have a feeling he will do will, but I think he might blow his cover at some point. I'll give him an 85.
Marcus: 85? Really? I thought you didn't like him.
Ethan: I don't. Doesn't mean he isn't good.
Marcus: Ok, next?
Ethan: Kass.
Kassandra “Kass” McQuillen, 41, Attorney
Marcus: Yay, Kassandra. So, Kass was the one I had to go back and watch twice, because I'm really not sure what to make of her. Her strategy is so interesting and unique--she wants to appear the worst, and make everyone else think she's better than her.
Ethan: It works as long as she does work around camp. Camp work is important or you are "bad."
Marcus: Right. Here's what I think. If this strategy works and she's totally underestimated until she strikes, people will think she's a genius. If she appears too weak and is voted out right away, which I hope doesn't happen, then everyone will says she's an idiot. I'm definitely rooting for Kass.
Ethan: I agree with you, except that you have to take in the fact that she she is on the Brain tribe, which will have a different dynamic than the others. She is with a host of other smart people which may cause her strategy to fail.
Marcus: I actually think Kass is smart enough to pull this off. She understands the "mom stereotype" and is going to use it to her advantage. I think she'll either go soon or go far. I gave her 60 just cause she's such a wild card.
Ethan: I'll giver a 20 and 90. The twenty for if she fails at pulling it off and the 90 if she succeeds.
Marcus: Sounds good to me. Well, Ethan, thanks so much for talking with me tonight.
Ethan: Thanks to you too, Marcus.
Marcus: Talk to you later.
So there you have it, everybody. I at least thought it was an enlightening conversation. Agree/disagree with our analysis? Comment below! And check back tomorrow for the next part of Survivor Cast Scrutiny!
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