Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Power Rankings for Cagayan E11

Jeff Probst in Season 28 Episode 11
We're coming into the home stretch!
We're coming into the home stretch of Cagayan...two episodes to go before the finale, if I am counting correctly. Let's find out who's going to be voted out this week, shall we? I'll also update my winner predictions (there's not much change!). (Image credit CBS)

Power Rankings

Last Week: I finally called it right, for once, with Jefra in spot 7! Ciera had her at 5 and Gordon Holmes at 6.
Total Score: 75 points

This Week:

Tony in Season 28 Episode 11
You can't win the game
by possessing a trove
of immunity idols.
1: Tony
He still has the OPHII, so there's absolutely no way Tony's going home. That being said, it is possible--and highly likely--that everyone will turn against him. That's really all there is to say about Tony; no matter what mistakes he makes, he's safe. However, you can't win the game by possessing a treasure trove of immunity idols; if people don't like you, they won't want to vote for you at the end.
Chance to win: 3rd best

2: Spencer
After convincing Tony to flip the game on its head last week, Spencer is in an infinitely better position than last week. He still has four pseudo-enemies, but I think he can count on Kass's anger to cause a rift between them at this point. The smart move is still to target Spencer...but I have a feeling that Tony will be too preoccupied with Kass and Trish to want to deal with him. If Spencer can wriggle his way through the rest of the game, he's got the game in the back.
Chance to win: 1st best
Hitting the target
Trish has got to start
getting rid of the better
players right now.

3: Trish
Trish has been playing a great under-the-radar game, but I think that she's ready to finally cut ties with Tony (and for good reason!). If she does that, though, she'll lose two allies in this game. Like Tony or not, it's best for her game to stick with him until he can't use his idols anymore, and then vote him out. I think that Trish does still have a shot at winning, but she's got to start getting rid of the better players right now. If either Kass or Woo goes home this week, she loses the game at FTC (unless it's a Final 2).
Chance to win: 4th best

4: Kass
Kass may be mad, she may be aggressive, and she may not have friends in Spencer or Tony (the two biggest players at the moment), but she also doesn't have any friends on the jury, and that's a great incentive to keep someone around. Unless she completely floors the jury with a Todd-liked argument (and although we remember Jean-Robert's anger being turned around, most of the jury was already relatively pro-Todd), I think Kass has no chance to win the game. However, we're dealing with Tony here. He cannot always be trusted to make the right decision, and I assume he's going to be mad at Kass for being mad herself.
Chance to win: 6th best
Tasha competes in Season 28 Episode 11
I would be legitimately
concerned that Tasha might
make an immunity run.

5: Tasha
The target is shifting from Spencer to Tasha, and if I were the other players, I would be legitimately concerned that Tasha might make an immunity run to the end. She's also a huge social threat, and very likable. Plus, she's got several votes counted and waiting for on the jury; what better incentive do you need to vote someone out? If the alliance of four somehow sticks together, I think Tasha could go home. And if she makes it to the end, I think she could have a decent chance against Spencer.
Chance to win: 2nd best

6: Woo
I think Kass goes home if Tony sides with Spencer and Tasha, and I think Tasha goes home if he sides with Kass and Trish. But what if everyone bands up against Tony? If the majority alliance is over, Spencer and Tasha would be only too glad to join forces with Trish and target someone besides themselves for once. And with Tony holding onto those idols, I feel like it could be Woo's turn to be going home tomorrow night. This is just a guess, of course; he could be considered a non-threat, or Tony could hand him an idol at Tribal! And if Woo does make it to the end, I don't see him winning the game.
Chance to win: 5th best

Auction Results
It was officially a bad idea to draft any members of the Beauty tribe. With Jefra gone, Ethan is down to just 4 players to my 2, although Tasha has proved to be a wellspring of points by winning all those immunities, and he gets way more points than I do for all those jurors...we'll see how things end up.

Getting ready for the Reward Challenge in Season 28 Episode 11
The Solarrion Tribe prepares for reward on E11.
Spencer Bledsoe

Trish Hegardy
LJ McKanas
Morgan McLeod
Sarah Lacina
Total Score: 8

Tasha Fox (+2)
Kass McQuillen
Tony Vlachos
Woo Hwang
Jefra Bland (+5)
Jeremiah Wood 
Total Score: 17

Be sure to check back tomorrow night for my recap, and stay tuned!

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